eNews November 2023
We embrace the process of transformation in Christ, both in ourselves and in others, through the practice of Centering Prayer.
“The awakening to divine life does not normally take place in a single moment, but gradually. Your weakness is replaced by the virtues of Jesus himself. Your spirit is alive to every movement of the Spirit within." - Thomas Keating, Crisis of Faith, Crisis of Love
The Contemplative Outreach Pittsburgh Service Team and Presenters are very much looking forward to November 4th. That is the day of our Morning Introduction to Centering Prayer Workshop, and Afternoon Harvest Enrichment Retreat. Communicating online and via emails and text is progressive and good for many reasons. However, to be together in person with others of like hearts to share, reflect, and pray promises to be rewarding. Our event will occur in Meenan Hall on the St. Mary’s Campus of Divine Redeemer Parish. This is new for us. It is centrally located near the I-79 and Route 65 Junction, along the Ohio River in Glenfield. The Hall is named after the late Fr. Meenan, who brought Centering Prayer to our area 30 years ago. Our Chapter is blessed with so many such host sites in parishes of diverse denominations. Our goal is to offer more local Day get-togethers, for each Season. We invite you to consider planning with us, a day together at your location. For now, know that there is still room for you to join us on November 4th, Saturday. You are welcome to join the morning and or the afternoon session. Information may be found below. Our Harvest Reflection will explore how we as Contemplatives respond to the uncertainties of our changing world with love, rather than a defensive fearfulness. We consent to the presence and action of the Spirit within us, allowing divine creative energy, love and compassion to flow. This grace enhances our capacity not only to see Christ in every situation and to accept him, but to do what he would do. It is the freedom to allow things to be just as they are or to act and to know which response is appropriate (Keating, Reawakenings). Consider that our prayers, our dreams, and our choices are good seeds for future sewing. They are seeds of consent to God’s presence and action in our lives, as Fr. Thomas reminded us. Our true self is the Divine Presence working within us….working through our particular uniqueness. As our Autumn Harvest pulls us forward, let us realize now, how our gardens flourish, and what is needed for the next planting. May our seeds land on rich soil, and our unique service to the needs of others bring about peace, and joy to the world. To every heart that dares to hope, to every soul that longs for peace, to everyone who shares His love….Joy to you and all the world.
This Saturday, November 4rth
Introductory to Centering Prayer Workshop Program Afternoon Harvest Enrichment Event
- COP is looking for a new service team members, including treasurer and eNews creator. If you are interested in serving Contemplative Outreach, please contact us at info@pghcenteringprayer.org
- Mark your calendars: the Contemplative Outreach, Ltd. 40-year anniversary conference is coming up in 2024! We are finally able to meet back in person, September 27 - 29, Atlanta
Upcoming Events and Retreats - in Person |
Bethany Retreat Center: Advent Centering Prayer Retreat - Nov 30 - Dec 3
- Designed for those with an established centering prayer practice
- Includes centering prayer, conferences with contemplative dialogue, personal time, meals and Sunday liturgy
- For more information, click HERE
Upcoming Events and Retreats - Online (Zoom) Retreats and Programs |
Contemplative Outreach of South East Wisconsin: Benedictine Spirituality - Listening and Responding to God Nov 2nd, 7:30 - 9:30 pm More information: click HERE
St. Mary's Sewanee The Grace in Dying and Centering Prayer - November 11th, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
- More Information: click HERE
Contemplative Outreach of Colorado: Guard of the Heart
The practice of Guard of the Heart "consists of letting go of every emotional disturbance as it arises and before we start thinking about it. This method is more sophisticated than dismantling the emotional programs for happiness because it deals with the whole of life. It expresses our ongoing intention to be with God in the present moment and sustains it." (Fr. Thomas Keating, 2017)
Ongoing Programs and Resources |
Opening Minds, Opening Hearts
This new podcast series from Contemplative Outreach is available on all podcast streaming platforms (Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon Music, Google Play) and on our CO YouTube Channel. Each episode highlights Friends of Contemplative Outreach and their personal practice of Centering Prayer. You are invited to listen as our guests share insights about the teachings of Thomas Keating, how the practice impacts their work in the world and their thoughts about how Centering Prayer connects to the living traditions of contemplation and meditation.
Word of the Week
A free program offered by Contemplative Outreach. A short message is sent each Sunday, which includes an image, Scripture, reflections and suggested practices followed by two weekly prayer groups for practice in community.
Online Courses from Contemplative OutreachContemplative Outreach offers many online programs. Attending a workshop, a retreat, an online Centering Prayer group or participating in an online course with a global community is a great way of deepening one’s relationship with God and the experience of living a contemplative life.
COP Resources: Books & Lending Library
Special Price on Books: Each for only $10 plus postage
- Invitation to Love by Father Keating
- The Loving Search of God by William A. Menninger
Lending Library- Click COP RESOURCES for a complete list of resources that can be borrowed from the COP library.
Please call or text your requests to Chris Volz at 412-779-8269 (you may leave a voice message) or send me an email at chrisvolzu@gmail.com.
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