Priorities and Progress
The month just past:In December I was planning on slowing down. If you look at my task lists and my calendar it would seem that I failed at that, but if I go off of how I felt at the end of December compared to the end of November, I felt so much better. So I must have done something right. I successfully navigated Christmas, a Writing Excuses Recording Camp (to record episodes for next year, I was support staff), my sprained ankle, and I got my One Cobble book put together. I was able to make small but steady progress on SLSC as well. Right at the end of the month I found a company to install shelving in my warehouse, thus relieving a stress I'd been carrying. And one of my kids made strides toward maybe launching. The month landed in a good place.
A quick round up of last year's priorities:
Pay down debt - from a purely money standpoint we treaded water, but I feel like we're positioned well for next year.
Put books on the table - we added one Schlock book, but again I think I laid foundational work that will put books on the table in 2024.
Strengthen core connections - I did well on this one. I was better about connecting with communities, friends, and my faith. I read an average of two books per month, which I'm pleased about.
Tend my health - I certainly paid a lot of attention to it in the second half of the year, and poured money into it. There is ongoing work to do, but I feel like I learned a lot that I can carry forward.
The coming month (January):The fact that I'm now in January somehow doesn't feel real yet. I started the year writing up a
post about my priorities which gives me focus for the years to come. I have five for this year. Here's how I plan to support them all in January:
Quiet the Noise - When an anxious thought shows up in my head, I'm trying to dismiss them rather than entertain them. I'm giving areas of worry (like finances) assigned times during the week when I can address them and at other times I tell those anxieties to wait. I'm trying to read books in moments of boredom instead of scrolling social media.
Be a Wise Steward - I'm evaluating household chores and finding more efficient ways to take care of them. I'm trying to degunk parts of my house and clear out clutter. I've taken on some crowdfunding consulting clients to bring in additional income. And I'm monitoring Howard's energy levels to see what level of support is needed on a daily basis. Before the end of the month I hope to fix the hole in our family room ceiling that has been there for 18 months.
Put Books on the Table - I'm diligently working on SLSC. I've started negotiations with a cover designer because promotional work will be much easier if I have a cover I can show off. I'm hoping to record some things for TikTok and Instagram. I've got some appearances and teaching lined up (listed below)
Strengthen Core Connections - Keeping this one simple for January: daily scripture study, weekly church attendance, weekly family chat with my parents and siblings, hang out with the people in my house, some visits with friends as opportunity presents.
Tend My Health - I've got a doctor's appointment mid month, some bloodwork to do, and diet management on a daily basis. I'm also trying to do daily yoga practice which is also a quiet the noise activity.
It looks like a lot to handle in one month. Because it is. But if I succeed at quieting the noise I don't think it will be too much. Take it day by day and be kind to myself about the things I don't get done.
Looking Ahead: February I hope to run crowdfunding for a reprint of the Seventy Maxims book. I want to keep it low key, but crowdfunding is not usually low key. I will be at LTUE teaching four classes. I'm also teaching an online class for a friend's patreon and I'll have contract work.
March Contract work will claim a large section of this month as I help a nonprofit run their annual crowdfunded fundraister. I will also teach a class at Teen Author Boot Camp.
April I would love to let this month be slower so I can build up to crowdfunding for SLSC in May, but maybe things will fall in place and this will be the crowdfunding month. It might also be the big push for fulfilling on the Mandatory Failure Kickstarter. I'm going to have to see how the months before it shake out.
Frustrations:Sometimes care work is tiring.
Triumphs:I can do a headstand unsupported for 10-15 seconds. That is happy progress.
I started the new year with all our laundry folded and clean sheets on the bed.
Books read: Penric and the Demon, Penric's Shaman, Penric and the Fox, Masquerade in Lodi by Lois MacMaster Bujold I'd read the first three novellas before, but returning to them was nice. I'm working my way through the whole series.
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou A memoir set in a pocket of history that is new to me. I enjoyed the way she describes things and learned about experiences that I haven't had.