eNews October 2023
We embrace the process of transformation in Christ, both in ourselves and in others, through the practice of Centering Prayer.
“Centering Prayer is a receptive method of silent prayer in which we experience God's presence within us, closer than breathing, closer than thinking, closer than consciousness itself. This method of prayer is both a relationship with God and a discipline to foster that relationship." - William P. Brown, Deep Calls to Deep
Harvest Enrichment Throughout the past weeks, my Centering Prayer Group has been praying Lectio, using the weekly Gospels of late Summer. Much of the parables of Jesus centered on the process of gardening. The process reminded me, as a retired professional nurse, how care was designed by following a similar process; the Five Steps of the Nursing Process. Very similar to gardening, we find these steps yield fruitful outcomes. These thoughts resonated greatly with me. Upon sharing this with our COP Service Team, our team designed an afternoon of enrichment for our Pittsburgh Chapter on the afternoon of November 4th. We will look at our Pittsburgh Chapter with a focus on processes like gardening and nursing. This involves interactive time sharing what works and what does not work, and what we may implement going forward. The final step must always involve evaluation or taking stock. Highlighting our time together will be joy and gratitude for the awesome amount of Servant Leaders who remain committed to Centering Prayer and our Chapter.
To become practitioners of Centering Prayer, we followed a process to nurture our relationship with God. This, you may agree, has opened us up to the gift of contemplation. Through our commitment to a daily practice of centering prayer we find that the activities of daily life are prompted by the gifts of the Holy Spirit. This is the fruit of a contemplative attitude. This attitude recognizes that the word of God and Source of all creation sustains everything, in a personal way.
Our Pittsburgh Chapter has many resources, primarily our members. Let us gather in joyful gratitude for our past year, and with anticipation of Christmas, the Season of Light, the New Year and our celebrating the upcoming 40th Anniversary of Contemplative Outreach in 2024. The Harvest Enrichment on November 4th, will bring us together, for Centering Prayer, interactive reflection, and time to share a simple meal together. There will be an optional Introduction to Centering Prayer Workshop in the morning. The Harvest Reflection will occur from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. You are welcome to attend both morning and / or afternoon events. You may click on the separate agenda sheets by clicking here: Intro and or HARVEST ENRICHMENTWe are pleased to offer this event at a new location for our Chapter at Meenan Hall on the St. Mary’s of Divine Redeemer Parish Campus.
- COP is looking for a new service team members, including treasurer and eNews creator. If you are interested in serving Contemplative Outreach, please contact us at info@pghcenteringprayer.org.
Upcoming Events and Retreats |
"A Gift of Life" COP Monthly Enrichment Program Continues October 3rd and 23rd this month The Gift of Life - Death & Dying , Life & Living Thomas Keating with Carl Arico Facilitated by Mary Broglie and Ruth Hofmann Centering Prayer, when it reaches the full consent to our nothingness, is the perfect preparation for death, because it is death - death of the false self and even the True Self has been transcended. The evenings will include: Centering Prayer- 20 minutes 1 Video Segment - Segments are 15 - 20 minutes long Group Reflection and Sharing Registration is required - Please email Mary - mjbroglie@gmail.com to register or to ask questions about the program The following video provides an introduction to the series. Just copy and paste. You may need to request permission, just go ahead and do so, and you will get permission soon:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-jr-tAmbBG5YJHAOKUesMHlyuxkt3EO0/view?usp=drivesdk
Bethany Retreat Center offers a fascinating variety of opportunities for spiritual growth through retreats and other activities. For more information call 814-263-4855 or email bethanyretreatcenter@gmail.com
Contemplative Outreach Hawaii Online Half Day Centering Prayer/Welcoming Prayer mini-retreat 1st Saturday of every month) Next: October 7 @ 3:00 pm – 5:30 pm (EST) FREE
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/92185854158?pwd=dDJxN0FkRkRvQWhrQURwN29SUTBFUT09Zoom Meeting ID: 921 8585 4158 Passcode: 730086 Website: http://www.cohawaii.org Phone (628) 400-2644 Email: cohawaii@gmail.comAll session are freely offered, donations are welcome, no registration is needed.
Brian McLaren: Faith, Doubt and Contemplation: Being Contemplatives in a Dangerous Time October 7 @ 9:00 am - 3:00 pm $60.00
Living Flame Program October 7 @ 11:00 am - 4:00 pm $60
The Living Flame Service Team is pleased to offer a one-time only event to celebrate the 30-year anniversary of the Living Flame program.
Each of the sessions are presented on Zoom in a five-hour retreat-like format. Each Living Flame 1 session includes: two periods of Centering Prayer, two presentation periods, Q&A, and small group sharing. Breaks and meal time will be included. Dates: 2023: Oct. 7, Nov. 4 2024 – Jan. 6, Feb. 3, Mar. 2, Apr. 6 Time: 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM EST (-5 UTC) Fee: $60 USD May – August, 2023. Click here to register. Fee is due with registration. Number of participants will be limited. Email Judy Sharer jsharer@bbtel.com or phone +1-270-304-7684. You can read more about the program here in this brochure.
Centering Prayer Introductory Workshop ONLINE VIA ZOOM $25
Welcoming Prayer Introductory Workshop October 18 @ 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm ONLINE
Benedictine Spirituality – via Zoom October 26 @ 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm $10.00 Listening and Responding to God
Contemplative Outreach of Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky: Manifesting God: 4-Day Silent Retreat
Contemplative Outreach of Maryland and Washington: 6-day Intensive & Post-Intensive October 29 - November 3 Location: near Frederick For more Information: click HERE
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Ongoing Programs and Resources |
Opening Minds, Opening Hearts
This new podcast series from Contemplative Outreach is available on all podcast streaming platforms (Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon Music, Google Play) and on our CO YouTube Channel. Each episode highlights Friends of Contemplative Outreach and their personal practice of Centering Prayer. You are invited to listen as our guests share insights about the teachings of Thomas Keating, how the practice impacts their work in the world and their thoughts about how Centering Prayer connects to the living traditions of contemplation and meditation.
Word of the Week
A free program offered by Contemplative Outreach. A short message is sent each Sunday, which includes an image, Scripture, reflections and suggested practices followed by two weekly prayer groups for practice in community.
Online Courses from Contemplative OutreachContemplative Outreach offers many online programs. Attending a workshop, a retreat, an online Centering Prayer group or participating in an online course with a global community is a great way of deepening one’s relationship with God and the experience of living a contemplative life.
COP Resources: Books & Lending Library
Special Price on Books: Each for only $10 plus postage
- Invitation to Love and Open Mind Open Heart by Father Keating
- A taste of silence by Fr. Carl Arico
- Too deep for words: Rediscovering Lectio Divina, with 500 scripture texts, by Thomas Hall
- Centering Prayer and inner awakening by Cynthia Bourgeault
Lending Library- Click COP RESOURCES for a complete list of resources that can be borrowed from the COP library.
Please call or text your requests to Chris Volz at 412-779-8269 (you may leave a voice message) or send me an email at chrisvolzu@gmail.com.
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