Please answer a quick survey about the winter programs (Grad Series, Winter Stars, All-Stars, and VIP).
Angel City FC outing on April 15. Racing Louisville comes to Expo Park for the Angel City season opener on Saturday, April 15, at 7pm. Tickets are $24.50 each. Anything can happen at an ACFC game, from a brass band to skydivers. Buy tickets.
Region 13 is proud to welcome children of all abilities. This last weekend showed that the fall league is a way to play a team sport for the first time, at any age, and also a platform for developing strong athletes. Here are the results from the Area 1C All-Stars.
Area (middle level): 1st place G10-Agapie, B10-Singh, G12-Wierman. 3rd place B12-Powers
Region: 1st place G10-Stieg, B10-Rosebraugh. 3rd & 4th B12-Lane & B12-Nicely (went to KFTPM), 4th G12-Wolfson (also went to KFTPM)
The Section (highest level) teams went to the Section 1 tournament, playing with teams from all over LA & Riverside counties. G10-Moran, B10-Wehbe, and G12-Bailey won 2nd place in their divisions, and B12-Rao 3rd. In case you were wondering, our new rival is Manhattan Beach AYSO.
Evolve Soccer Spring and Summer Camps: Beat the heat with shaded outdoor and ventilated indoor Soccer & Futsal camps. Evolve camps combine skills, technical development and games with loads of fun! April 3-7 and all summer
Launch Sports Soccer and multisport camps, April 3-7 or 10-14, and all summer
UK International (an AYSO sponsor) summer camps are the weeks of June 19, July 5, and July 17.
Challenger summer soccer camp will be July 24-28 at Jefferson Park.
Spartan All-Stars multi-sport summer camp at LCHS has everything from Archery to Ultimate Frisbee. https://www.
Rose Bowl Aquatic Center is great for swimming lessons. Try the 2-week intensive classes.
Also fun are tennis and pickleball
Fall soccer will return in September 2023. Mark your calendars to register in May. Divisions fill up quickly so register and volunteer!
April 6 | Region 13 Board Meeting on Zoom |
March 16-19 | AYSO Expo at the Pasadena Convention Center |
April 15 | Angel City FC |
May 1 | Register for Fall 2023 |
May 6 | Star Wars Night at the Galaxy |
Subscribe to the Region 13 calendar for the latest.
It takes a village!
First, please join me in thanking Taj Chiu for her service to Region 13, most recently as Regional Commissioner, and in too many roles to list before that. Thank you, Taj!
As I take over the reins of Regional Commissioner, I’ve sometimes thought, “What have I gotten myself into?” It’s also given me pause and a chance to reflect on all the people who I’ve met in AYSO, many who have worked tirelessly on the field or behind the scenes – all to make it possible for our kids to play soccer.
And I’ve come to the conclusion that what these volunteers are doing – whether they realize it or not – is to help build a community. A community of soccer players, yes, and also of parents, caregivers, uncles, aunts, grandparents, and friends, all building a community that values simple things like children having a positive experience.
It takes work to make a community better, and the more that everyone contributes positively to our ‘village,’ the better that it becomes. All of us have demands on our time – work, caring for others, etc. – so every little bit helps.
So I’d like to challenge you to help contribute to our community by volunteering. Soon (in May), you'll be invited to register your kids for the next fall soccer league. This will also be your chance to pitch in so that the children can play soccer. If you're already volunteering, thank you! If you're not, well, please consider it. The kids always need coaches and referees, and AYSO offers many other ways to contribute!
See you on the field!
Terry Takahashi
Your Volunteer Commissioner, Coach, and Soccer Dad
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