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2024 January eNews
We embrace the process of transformation in Christ, both in ourselves and in others, through the practice of Centering Prayer.
Greetings and Happy New Year! There is so much to share! I hope you might agree that blessings abound, and so do struggles. Let me please share a few of my blessings, and my hope is to share some of yours as we journey 2024 together. Together we are, in heart and spirit. We have much to celebrate, this being the 40th Anniversary Year for Contemplative Outreach. Our first opportunity to come together will occur in April. You may recall the SAVE THE DATE, noted last month for our April 26-27-28, 2024, Retreat. ( Search stemma.org ) It is conveniently located less than an hour from Pittsburgh.
My share with you at this time is that many prayers of mine and all who know my brother Fr. Richard Thompson of the Pittsburgh Diocese have been answered! He was diagnosed with cancer last March, and prayers for healing began. It is with utmost gratitude for those prayers and most humbly to God, for Fr. Rick is cancer free and can now see his life’s journey resume.
My ability to share in my brother’s healing journey as his sister, nurse (retired), and life friend has held its challenges. These challenges recede easily into our time together, peacefully. All this has transpired due to my consent to God’s presence and action within. Despite contentions within our relationship, older brother and sister, I confess my gratitude for my promised gifts from our Holy Spirit. Family relationships often require separate ways for one’s emotional wellbeing. (Click this turquoise link to see how Mary Dwyer addresses this.) The emotional powerhouse of my false self continues to be mitigated, through my fidelity to Centering Prayer. My transformation finds comfort with God’s nondual attitude of love for us. Knowing that despite the differences that my brother and I have, we share in common the will to bring God to others. You may agree that anything is possible with God (as your best friend).
I could go on and on! We ended the year with our November Harvest Enrichment which focused on the seeds we sew, and our Faith that they will produce. We enter now the exciting season of anticipation in what we agree is our season of rebirth. I forced a pussy willow blossom and realized that, I had never seen that they actually yield white blossoms!
The Contemplative Outreach Service Team invites you to continue to share the prayer and pray for us as we seek to provide Introductory Workshops, Retreats, and Campaigns of Celebration for all those who serve to make Centering Prayer that window into growing our relationships with God. In the wind, and on social media, we share an awareness that a new evolved future awaits.... It is how we communicate and act with God, each other, and our Community. We have many new tools of technology that will allow us all to continue to communicate and come to the table, break bread, and remember Jesus lived so that we might know peace.
COP Spring Retreat: Mark your Calendars
Deepening the contemplative path: the gift of emotional healing
In this retreat we weave together the practices of Centering Prayer, the Welcoming Prayer, and emotional awareness to allow God’s gift of emotional healing to unfold in the Now. We will come together in conferences to deepen our understanding of the human condition, divine therapy, and emotional sobriety, based on the teachings of Father Keating and AA co-founder Bill Wilson. Plenty of quiet time will give us the space to practice, reflect, and just to be. The beautiful surroundings of St. Emma’s monastery provide an environment that lovingly support our days of re-treat. Jim McElroy is on the governing board for Contemplative Outreach, and has been on the leadership team of 12-Step Outreach since its formation in 2005. He is the former coordinator of CO St. Louis, is on the Welcoming Prayer Service Team, and is a member of the Living Flame teaching team. Preregister by emailing victoriae4copcenteringprayer@gmail.com.
COP Chapter Bookstore: New Book
Divine Therapy and Addiction: Centering Prayer and the Twelve Steps Thomas Keating reflects on the wisdom and legacy of the Alcoholics Anonymous Twelve-Step method and its connections to, and similarities with, the Christian mystical traditions of Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina. In conversation with a long-time member of AA meetings, Fr. Thomas talks insightfully about surrendering to one’s Higher Power and the journey that must be undertaken for the healing of the soul to begin. $15 USD. Books will be available through our Chapter Bookstore and at the April Retreat.
- COP is looking for a new service team members, including treasurer and eNews creator. If you are interested in serving Contemplative Outreach, please contact us at info@pghcenteringprayer.org
Attention Facilitators; Early each month you have been receiving an email with our COP newsletter. Keep an eye out for the upcoming newsletters and bring it to the attention of your CP group. Some of them may have overlooked it or not received it. The newsletter is a valuable resource for extending our prayer practice and also linking to others in the CP community. Many of us have already connected with these extended practices.
We would like to develop a "Facilitators Corner" to add comments or questions from our groups. You may also want to add a favorite prayer reading or topic you are sharing.
A member of the St Andrews CP group, Jane Quist, wanted to share a prayer that is prayed each week before the group's Lectio reading:
"Holy Spirit of God; Turning now towards the solace of your company. We feel your presence and give Thanks. Be to our heart its deepest desire. Be to our mind it's fullest expression. And be to our will it's truest aim. Amen. (Peter Traven Haas)
This prayer is also found on the CP app for mobile phones. It is listed in the prayer selections. Peace, Chris Volz
Contemplative Outreach, Ltd. 40-year Anniversary Conference
- Mark your calendars:
- the Contemplative Outreach, Ltd. 40-year Anniversary Conference is coming! We are finally able to meet back in person, September 27 - 29, 2024
- Atlanta
Upcoming Events and Retreats - In Person Retreats |
Bethany Retreat Center:Introduction to Centering Prayer - Feb 2 - Feb 4
- Presented by Sr. Ruth Ann Madera
- More information: click HERE
Upcoming Events and Retreats - Online (Zoom) Retreats and Programs |
Contemplative Outreach, LTD Contemplative Outreach Volunteer Connections
- Jan 26, 9:00 pm or Jan 27, 11:00 am
- Contemplative Outreach Volunteer Connections – via Zoom
The Chapter Support Team is hosting a Zoom gathering for volunteers serving chapters and local communities. All are welcome. This gathering will take place twice to offer a choice of time for our global community of volunteers. - Free
Contemplative Outreach of Colorado:Introduction to the Welcoming Prayer - Jan 27, 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
- More information: click HERE
Contemplative Outreach of Colorado, Atlanta & Chicago:Crisis Contemplation: Healing the Wounds of the Village Feb 3, 7:00 am - 10:00 pm Presenter: Dr. Barbara Homes In Crisis Contemplation, the Rev. Dr. Barbara Holmes will address two entry points into contemplation which have seldom been addressed: contemplation during crisis, and how we contemplate as community. More information: click HERE
Contemplative Outreach of Colorado:Introduction to the Welcoming Prayer
Contemplative Outreach Southeastern Wisconsin:Introduction to the Welcoming Prayer
Contemplative Outreach of Columbus:Virtual Silent Saturday with Father Bill Sheehan
Upcoming Events and Retreats - 2024 Intensives |
Intensive retreats are a powerful way to deepen our prayer, but given the necessary time commitment they can be challenging to attend. In addition, there are not many intensive CP retreats around Pittsburgh. However, sometimes the stars align, the dates are just right for us, and travel then is part of the journey...
Note that both Holy Cross Monastery and the retreat by CO Louisville are both an about 6 1/2 hour drive from Pittsburgh
Holy Cross Monastery West Park, NY: 4-Day Centering Prayer Retreat - Feb 6 - Feb 9
- For those new to the practice as well as those with an established practice
- "During the retreat, one will experience integrating contemplation and action through silence, solitude, community and the rhythm of this Episcopal Benedictine monastic community’s worship and prayer life"
- For more information, click HERE
Contemplative Outreach of Louisville: 7-Day Intensive and Post-Intensive Retreat - Feb 12 - Feb 18
- For more information, click HERE
Holy Cross Monastery West Park, NY: 7-Day Intensive and Post-Intensive Retreat - May 13 - May 19
- For more information, click HERE
Holy Cross Monastery West Park, NY: 8-Day Intensive and Post-Intensive Retreat - Sep 7- Sep 14
- For more information, click HERE
Contemplative Outreach of Columbus 9-Day Intensive and Post Intensive - Sept 11 - Sept 19
- facilitated by Frs. Bill Sheehan and Vinny McKiernan. Father Sheehan has been with Contemplative Outreach and Father Keating since the Lama Retreat
- only 3 hours away :-)
More information: click HERE
Ongoing Programs and Resources |
Opening Minds, Opening Hearts
This podcast series from Contemplative Outreach is available on all podcast streaming platforms (Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon Music, Google Play) and on our CO YouTube Channel. Each episode highlights Friends of Contemplative Outreach and their personal practice of Centering Prayer. You are invited to listen as our guests share insights about the teachings of Thomas Keating, how the practice impacts their work in the world and their thoughts about how Centering Prayer connects to the living traditions of contemplation and meditation.
Word of the Week
A free program offered by Contemplative Outreach. A short message is sent each Sunday, which includes an image, Scripture, reflections and suggested practices followed by two weekly prayer groups for practice in community.
Online Courses from Contemplative OutreachContemplative Outreach offers many online programs. Attending a workshop, a retreat, an online Centering Prayer group or participating in an online course with a global community is a great way of deepening one’s relationship with God and the experience of living a contemplative life.
COP Resources: Books & Lending Library
Special Price on Books: Each for only $10 plus postage
- Invitation to Love by Father Keating
- The Loving Search of God by William A. Menninger
Lending Library- Click COP RESOURCES for a complete list of resources that can be borrowed from the COP library.
Please call or text your requests to Chris Volz at 412-779-8269 (you may leave a voice message) or send me an email at chrisvolzu@gmail.com.
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