What you need to know:
What if it rains? Will there be soccer? It depends. Check ayso13.org at 4pm on weekdays, and 7am on weekends.
Double-check your game schedule for Week 5, Oct 7, as some games had to move around.
Please pack out your trash.
Respect the referee - All referees are volunteers who are doing it so that your kids can play soccer. The only comments to the referee should be "thank you" or "good job!" This goes double for Youth Referees! If you feel you need to share any other feedback, put it in writing at ayso13.org/feedback/.
Come to Sunday Soccer for technical skills, pickup, and goalkeeper academy, at Blair from 3:30-5:30. Come, even if you forget to RSVP.
Apply now for the Thanksgiving tournament and All-Stars.
Who likes to have their failures pointed out to them? Yeah, me neither. The ride home is not a teachable moment.
Set your coaches up for success, and let theirs be the only voices telling the kids what to do during games. Or, even better, give the players space to talk to each other about what to do.
Please sign up to staff the tent and to set up Victory Park.
Pictures will be October 14, October 28 and Nov 4. Timeslots will be worked out this weekend.
Please assess players this weekend by filling in the Ratings tab of your team spreadsheet. You'll repeat the assessment again in November.
Week 4 is when cockiness starts to set in, and Positive Coaching takes more, ahem, patience. Draw attention to the children who are paying attention, with something like "Sierra is going wide to get open. When she does that, let's reward her and send her the ball." When you need to stall for time, you can always reach for 2-v-1 keepaway.
It's also the week when some kids get start to get frustrated with teammates. AYSO is about life skills, as well as soccer. Remind your team of the behavior expectation: we build each other up. The teams that do the best in the playoffs are the teams who experience the most growth. Catch phrases include, "practice makes better," and "keep trying until it works."
Does the team you coach have traditions and secret code words? Do you practice talking to each other the way you want to during games? Coaching seminar Monday, October 30 from 7:00 - 8:30 pm at the AYSO Region 13 Clubhouse. Barry Ritson, Director of LA Surf and member of the US National Youth Teams coaching staff, will change the way you think about coaching. In-person only. Preview: You can talk about positions, like "you're the left defender," or you can talk about functions, like "your job during a goal kick is to create an outlet on the left."
Report injuries at ayso13.org/safety. Share feedback at ayso13.org/feedback/.
Remember to confirm your assignments in inLeague by noon on Thursdays. After then, assignments are up for grabs.
Share feedback at ayso13.org/feedback/.
If you have an 8:00 or 8:30 game at Victory Park, delegate one parent to set up Victory Park at 7am. Some people pay to go to the gym. AYSO offers weight lifting for free.
If you have the first game of the day, please remind all the other parents to arrive at least 30 minutes early to set up the goals.
If you have the last game on your field, please supervise the parents puting the goals away neatly. The storage bin at Victory Park is starting to look like a teenager's closet.
Take your best guess, then scroll down for answers. The buildout line is exclusive to 10U.
1. The referee blows the whistle for the Bumblebees (orange) to start the game, and the Slurpees (Blue) #3 runs into the center circle before the the Bumblebees can kick it off. What's the call?
2. The referee blows the whistle, and Slurpees #4 flicks the ball into the air, then, as two Bumblebees charge into the center circle, gives the ball a roundhouse kick that narrowly misses one of the defenders. What's the call?
3. The referee blows the whistle, and Bumblebees #9, getting tired of all this kickoff shenanigans, kicks the ball really hard. It goes directly into the goal, while the Slurpees' goalkeeper looks on in astonishment. What's the call?
See more by subscribing to the Region 13 calendar
Oct 7 | Board meeting on Zoom, 7:15 pm |
Oct 30 | Coach seminar with Barry Ritson, 7:00 - 8:30 pm at the Clubhouse
In Region 13, every player is on the field for at least 3/4 of the game, and keepers (10U and 12U) are in goal for at most 2 quarters. In 6U-8U, everyone plays the whole game. Referees do not enforce this at the game, but note exceptions on the game card for followup by the league administration.
Come on out to Sunday Soccer. It's fun! Send in your pictures to info@ayso13.org or tag @aysoregion13 on Instagram to be in next week's newsletter.
1. The referee blows the whistle to stop play, and the kickoff is retaken.
2. The referee blows the whistle to stop play, and an indirect free kick is awarded to the Bumblebees. The referee should warn (or caution) the Slurpees player for the high kick. Both dangerous play (without contact) and playing the ball a second time after the kickoff are restarted with an indirect free kick.
3. The goal is allowed and the restart is a kickoff going the other way.
Dear Region 13 Families,
I hope that you are having a great soccer season! The forecast for this weekend is not looking good, and in the case of rain, we unfortunately will cancel games in order to protect the fields.
Speaking of fields, the schedule for games is nearly all out - the last outstanding weeks should be posted shortly.
In previous years, Region 13 was able to get the entire schedule out to you much earlier. This year, it's been much more piecemeal. I'd imagine nearly all of us would like to have the entire schedule posted, as not having the schedule makes it really challenging to plan birthday parties, get-togethers, trips, work schedules, and all the other things that families do in our busy lives. I am sorry we haven't gotten the schedule to you and this is not what we would like either. Why then, is it so piecemeal this year?
We are working as quickly as we can to get the schedule out. It's not that we don't realize its importance - we do. Rather, it's because field access and quality has been exceptionally challenging this year. In an effort to be transparent with you, I'd like to share some of the challenges that we've been facing.
We always have to deal with field issues, but this year is... different. Many of you probably have noticed that one of our main fields - Muir North - is totally lost to Region 13 this year, which has resulted in a cascade of changes throughout our program. We've had to find other fields to put those games and practices. Because of this, we've also had to run games much later than ever before. We have also lost Paradise Canyon (due to construction) and we will lose Victory Upper on 1 or 2 Saturdays in October, and Jefferson in November. Coupled with the loss of game time as the sun sets earlier, we are really in a bind with respect to fields.
We’ve had to work almost week-by-week to find solutions and space for all of these games, hence the piecemeal schedule coming out. Our challenge is that we have to solve these field issues before we can make a schedule, and have had to come up with some creative solutions. We have considered moving games to Sundays, which creates a whole host of other issues, not the least of which is that many families will really find that difficult to do. That would be the quickest and easiest way to solve our scheduling problems, but it is something we are working really hard to avoid.
There is also a larger issue - years long - with the politics that surround field access through PUSD, LCUSD, the City of La Canada, and the City of Pasadena. Long-time families will remember that we used to use Area H at the Rose Bowl, Jackie Robinson (Brookside), McDonald Park, Muir Central, and Pasadena High School - all which we no longer have access to; we have access to fewer and fewer fields that are worse and worse in condition. And it is not only Region 13 that is encountering these problems, other AYSO regions and youth sports programs in LA County also report that it is increasingly difficult for youth programs to access public facilities.
We continue to work with field owners to resolve these issues. AYSO Region 13 has been a community partner, providing youth soccer programs for nearly 50 years, and we plan on continuing for 50 more. At some point though, we may need to ask for your help and support to remind field owners of the importance of youth sports to our community. For example, I truly appreciate the help that families gave Region 13 to get Victory Park mowed.
We thank you for your patience and understanding, and hope that the rest of your season goes well!
See you on the field!
Terry Takahashi
Soccer Dad and Volunteer Region Commissioner
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